CranioSacral Therapy

CranioSacral (CST) is based on understanding the subtle movements of the cranial bones, which result in a rhythm of approximately six to twelve cycles per minute. This rhythm is understood as a response to cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) fluctuations within the spinal cord and brain environment. The subtle movement extends outward to the entire body, in response to the fluid pressure changes around the Central Nervous System.
A trained CranioSacral therapist gently works with the whole body including the skull, cranial sutures, spine, diaphragms, sacrum, and fascia. By a developed and skilled hand, a Craniosacral therapist is able to detect disturbances in the cranial rhythm and able to help identify areas of dysfunction.
Individuals remain clothed during a each session and therapy sessions generally are one
hour possibly 90 minutes long.
Works in the following way:
Helps restore normal cranial mobility
Releases abnormal myofascial restrictions and tensions in the body
Releases abnormal restrictions in the head
Eases restrictions on nerves
Optimizes cerebrospinal fluid movement through the central nervous system
Learning disabilities, A.D.D., A.D.H.D
Concussion, and post-concussion symptoms
Tinnitus, hearing loss and vertigo
Stress disorders and insomnia
Muscle and joint pain or injury, and
Many neurological conditions and pain syndromes.
(60 minutes of therapy/90 minutes reserved)